SRA Accredited PSC Course by BARBRI Altior
Starting from just £1229
Fill in your details to receive all the information you need for the Professional Skills Course. Whether you are a trainee or a training manager, BARBRI Altior will guide you through the process of completing your booking.
You will be provided with the link to book your PSC and email resources to help you through the process.
The flexible PSC choice
There are several benefits with choosing the PSC course by BARBRI Altior. You have flexilibty with:
- A personalised timetable, providing a wide range of dates to choose from
- A range of time for course completion, from 10 days to 2 years
- A choice of course dates, these can be confirmed at a later date
- A choice of when to sit the FBS exam, after the course or at a later date
- A range of payment plans